Community Waikato Tindall Annual Fund

This fund is available annually, with applications opening in early August and closing mid September.

Community Waikato are Regional Donation Managers for the Tindall Foundation. 

The Tindall Foundation ( giving is focused in three areas- Family/Whaanau, Community and Environment.

Community Waikato's funding area, as a Regional Donation Manager is Family/ Whaanau. 

The overall goal for Whaanau/Family Tamariki/children, rangatahi/young people and their whaanau/families are resilient, secure and thriving.



The Community Waikato Tindall 2024 funding round is closed

Please note that this fund is not generally available for more than three consecutive years. Please also note if your accountability responsibilities are not up to date this may impact on your eligibility for any further donations. Please also be aware that the Common Good Foundation are also Tindall Donation Managers in our region. Organisations can only apply to one of us in the same time period.

Tindall Rural Community Event Fund

This fund is available annually, with applications open in October and closing mid November, for rural community led events. 

The development of this fund was inspired by numerous requests for assistance for community-led events such as family fun days, community celebrations and summer picnics along with events that have arisen in response to specific issues, e.g. a community who had experienced a number of tragic events decided to run a Family Fun Day to encourage their community to focus on the ‘good and positive’ about themselves.

Accessible and collaborative community events are an essential part of developing a sense of belonging and community. They encourage neighbourly relationships and establishing links that build and strengthen communities and families overall.

This Rural Community Event Fund has been developed to allow us the flexibility to provide financial support within a short time-frame.

Please note that for eligibility organisations must meet the goals and priority areas of the Tindall Foundation Families Funding area. Exclusions include organisations whose primary purpose is education or health focused, research, the arts, sports, leisure and recreation, buildings or land, overseas organisations and animal charities. 



The 2024 Tindall Rural Community Event Funding Round is closed

Fund purpose
Targeted toward small, rural-based organisations who provide events for families, children and their communities. It is not for commercial events. Hamilton based organisations are excluded.

Application Amount
Ten donations of $500 each will be made to successful applicant organisations. 

If you have received Tindall Rural Community Event Funding you must complete the accountability form to be eligible for any future Tindall funding.

For further information please contact Sally Ridley at Community Waikato: email



Community Waikato Mental Health Training Fund

The 2024 fund has been distributed.

A fund specifically for training in the mental health area.

Community Waikato administers a small fund specifically for training that will contribute to community based mental health services. There is no set application time. Usually two grants are made from this fund per year.

The training involved must satisfy all or some of the following criteria. It should:

  1. Benefit clients

  2. Enable recipients to train others

  3. Support particular needs of minority groups

  4. Assist recipients on a low or no income

Grants are normally made for course costs but in exceptional cases might also cover travel and accommodation costs.



Applications should be in writing detailing information on the proposed training. They should also show how applicants and the proposed training meet the criteria outlined. Please also include the name and contact details of one referee.

For further information please contact Sally Ridley at Community Waikato: email

The application should be emailed to with
Community Mental Health Training Fund Application in the address bar.



Andrea Goble Memorial Scholarship

Andrea was the CE at Community Waikato for 9 years. She was vastly knowledgeable and deeply passionate about the community and social service sector. Andrea maintained personal relationships with the team since retiring in 2015. She was generous with her knowledge and her time and she will be sadly missed by us all. Her generosity of spirit is reflected in a bequest she made to us which we have chosen to use in the form of this scholarship.

Andrea valued social justice, equity and equality, leadership, education and women’s empowerment and the tangata whenua community voluntary social service sector and these values guide the criteria for this scholarship.



The 2025 Andrea Goble Memorial Scholarship round is now open.

Scholarships grants will be $1600 per annum and the Fund will run over 9 years, reflecting the time that Andrea lead our organisation.