Community Waikato delivers a range of training opportunities.
We plan our training around what is currently required, focusing on what you need right now to best meet the needs of your communities.
Community Waikato Professional Learning Workshops
Professional Learning workshops is one of the services Community Waikato makes available to and on behalf of the tangata whenua, community and voluntary social service sector in the Waikato region. This is an important capacity building component of our service and of significant benefit to organisations within the sector. Along with training we also support many other forums, workshops and events. Keep an eye on our calendar for items of interest to you and your organisation.
Register for one of our upcoming workshops
Find out what the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 means for your organisation
Come to a free funding workshop delivered by Local Community Funders
Using your annual budget to monitor your financial position
Come along and find out more about board roles and responsibilities
Find out what the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 means for your organisation
Come along and learn some constructive strategies for dealing with challenging situations
This workshop will focus on understanding the requirements for your COGS grant and how to make the best application possible.
Find out what the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 means for your organisation
This workshop covers how to read and understand your financial statements
This seminar will cover understanding what insurances your organisation requires
Having a budget helps you know what funding you need, where it’s coming from, where it’s going and allows you to accurately monitor your organisations financial position
knowing how to read and understand your financial statements is essential financial knowledge for board members and managers of community agencies alike.