Mentoring for Leaders in the For Purpose Sector

Mentoring is a relationship that supports and encourages the personal leadership journey

of individuals and their organisations.


Community Waikato is offering a mentoring program designed to support and develop leaders in the for purpose sector across the Waikato region.

The programme matches Mentees with appropriate Mentors to support their individual growth. Mentees and Mentors will meet at least monthly over a six monthly period.

The programme will be co-ordinated and support provided to Mentors and Mentees by Sally Fenwick Ridley (Mentoring Coordinator)  and Community Waikato. For more information please contact Sally

Along with your regular individual Mentee/Mentor meetings there are three sessions with other mentees and mentors over the six month period.

This years mentoring programme will start in April and run through till October 2025


What does it involve?


The role of a Mentee is to learn and grow by being challenged, guided and supported by your Mentor.

For example:

  • By helping you to reflect on your current situation and focus areas

  • Being a sounding board for ideas and concerns

  • Sharing their knowledge, experience and toolkit

  • Making connections to relevant people and resources

  • Challenging and providing accountability

  • You will be matched with a mentor whose skills and experience overlap with your current needs and is based in your geographical area. Together with your mentor you will work towards identifying focus areas and achieving a goal(s).

What you need to know:

  • it's a six month time commitment

  • your mentoring sessions are confidential between you and your mentor

  • there will be opportunities to network with others on the programme in person

  • Sally will be available for any assistance or support that may be required

To make the best use of this relationship you need to be ready for new or different ideas, be responsible for your own learning and actions and, respect your mentor’s time by being prepared for sessions.

We are in the process of developing a registration form, in the mean time please email to register your expression of interest


As a Mentor you will be matched with a mentee whose current needs overlap with your skills and experience. Your role is to advise, support, guide and challenge your Mentee.

For example:

  • Helping your mentee to reflect on their current situation and goals

  • Being a sounding board for ideas and concerns

  • Sharing your knowledge, experience and toolkits

  • Making connections to relevant people and resources

  • Challenging for and providing accountability

Your commitment is to meet with your mentee once a month for an hour or so over a 6 month period, follow the mentoring agreement and stay in the loop with the mentoring coordinator.

We are in the process of developing a registration form, in the mean time please email to register your expression of interest