
Taki and Ratauhinga Turner

TAKI – Kaumatua

Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Turangawaewae te marae
Ko Ngaati AAmaru te hapuu
Ko Waikato Maniapoto te iwi

RATAU – Kuia

Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tauhei raaua ko Hukanui ngaa marae
Ko Ngaati Wairere raaua ko Ngaati Apakura ngaa hapuu
Ko Waikato te iwi


Moe mai raa e te Rangatira.

It is with sadness that we acknowledge the passing of our Community Waikato Kaumaatua Taki Turner.

Taki was a well-respected and loved member of our team. He provided us with cultural support, and was a kind and gracious man. The contribution Taki made to our team, and the community sector was huge and he will be sorely missed.

We offer our sincere condolences to Ratau and the whaanau pani.

We are excited about the skills and knowledge that Taki and Ratauhinga (Ratau) Turner bring to the organisation in their roles as kaumaatua/cultural advisors. Taki and Ratau travel up and down the motu supporting different kaupapa ranging from performing and creative arts, health, education, Kiingitanga, Womans Welfare League and the list goes on. Suffice to say they are both well known throughout the Tainui rohe and the motu.

We at Community Waikato are developing our own capability and capacity to better understand and engage with Maaori by building our knowledge around treaty, te reo, tikanga and Kiingitanga. Our kaumaatua are walking alongside us to advise and support our organisation down this path of learning.

“Mehemea ka moemoeaa ahau, ko ahau anake. Mehemea ka moemoeaa taatou, ka taea e taatou. 
If I dream, I dream alone. If we dream together, we shall achieve."

na Te Puea Herangi



Jenny Nand


Ko Tomanivi te maunga
Ko Rewa te awa
Ko Ikshvaku te iwi
Ko Nand te hapuu
Ko Jenny Nand toku ingoa

I work for the Department of Internal Affairs as a Strategic Advisor and I have a number voluntary roles in the community. It is an honour and a privilege to be part of the Community Waikato whaanau. I strongly believe there is a need to continuously learn new skills and approaches to working with communities and at the same time have the courage to unlearn behaviour and practice that no longer serve the community. I believe Community Waikato has the organisational courage to do just that and be at the forefront of building capacity and capability within the social and community sector in the Waikato. I am looking forward to adding value to this kaupapa and enabling stronger communities.


Sarah Thomson

Sarah is an experienced elected member with Hamilton City Council. She has practiced as both a commercial and community lawyer. She has a passion for equity, environmental protection and housing affordability. Sarah is focused on solutions and working collaboratively to get positive outcomes for the city and across our region. She brings a strong strategic focus to the board of Community Waikato.


Johann van Loggerenberg

Audit Partner

Johann is an Audit Partner at PKF Hamilton - Chartered Accountants. He loves the work he does and says that no day is ever the same. Clients not only need advice about how to apply the accounting standards but sometimes they also need a sound board for other things that are going on in their businesses. In Johann's role, he is able to form strong relationships with his clients and add value by providing advice around internal controls within their organisation. Johann has been involved with the not-for-profit sector for many years in various personal capacities from auditing schools, sports club, religious trusts, aged care sector, medical sectors and volunteering as treasurer on Waikato Ultimate board. Johann has worked in the Chartered Accounting practices for over 8 years. He has been a member of CAANZ – Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand for 5 years. Johann has a special interest in the 'not-for-profit' sector.


Chelsey Hawthorn


Ruth Barrowclough

Ko Vaea te maunga
Ko Vaisigano te awa
Ko Olofa te marae
Ko Hamoa te iwi
Ko Sa Tuaopepe ko Sa Maualaivao ngaa hapuu.

It is a pleasure being part of the community and not-for-profit sector in Kirikiriroa, working in Social Service, Education and Health, in various positions as an employee and volunteer. Following retirement in 2022, an opportunity arose to continue serving the community as a Board member of Community Waikato. It is a privilege being part of this whanau, supporting them as they work alongside groups and organisations to increase their strengths, relationships and capacity-building.


Moko Tauariki

Kaihautuu at Te Kuratini O Waikato (WINTEC)

Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato te iwi
Ko Ngaati Naho, Ngaati Hauaa, Ngaati Mahuta ngaa hapuu
Ko Maurea/Rukumoana/Taniwha-Tangoao ngaa marae
Ko Moko Tauariki taku ingoa

Moko currently works as a Kaihautuu at Te Kuratini O Waikato (WINTEC) as part of a change management team called Tooia Mai since May 2021. His responsibility is to lead the implementation of a cultural capability framework across the organisation. Moko has experience in the social services and environmental sectors as a practitioner and understands those spaces very well. His passion is to support a nation that embraces and manifests Te Tiriti O Waitangi in a way that reflects partnership and equity in a meaningful way.