Communication by engaging with Graphics


Visuals are an important part of our everyday world. Research has shown that visuals increase engagement and can enhance understanding and recall of information. Visual thinking isn’t just limited to artists but can be used by anyone to capture and organise information, present ideas, and tell engaging stories.

 In today’s high-tech, high-information world, it is important to find ways that reduce information overload and provide a low-tech solution to engaging, communicating, and reducing anxiety in the workplace.

 Interactionz prides itself on constantly evolving and innovating as we recognise that not all people have the same opportunities in life. Our work is dedicated to working alongside people to support their journey, whether that be on a personal level of self-development, or as part of a team. Together, we can interact and find purpose and meaning in our daily lives as part of the communities, we each choose to be a part of.

As humans, we are social creatures, and the relationships we have with others require some form of interaction to begin, be sustained, and thrive. The name “Interactionz” signifies the importance we place on relationships which are all about connection and communication - interacting.

 Visual tools are a big part of how we deliver our work alongside people. It enables everyone to easily see the bigger picture and articulate individual thinking. Believe it or not, visuals are not the most important part but the process and journey we go on to develop and communicate them is where the power is.

 We capture your ideas and bring them to life, visually.

A picture paints a thousand words and enhances engagement, communication, clarity, and recall. Visually communicating and displaying information in succinct and creative ways is the information carrier of the future.

 Our talented Visual Communication team brings our customers' ideas to life in many different ways. We frame it in lines, illustrate well-placed squiggles, add a healthy dash of colour and voilà… the concept comes to life.

 Graphic facilitation is the use of a combination of graphics, such as diagrams, pictures, symbols, and writing to lead people towards a goal in meetings, seminars, workshops, and conferences. A graphic facilitator assists learning and communication between groups and individuals.

Benefits of Live Illustration:

  • Promotes high engagement and buy-in in a fun and creative way

  • Builds trust and transparency

  • Creates common understanding and a sense of ownership

  • Supports inclusion of even the quietest participants

  • Communicate visions and strategies that connect with your audience and your team

  • Bring key concepts to life with visuals

Our visual recorders and illustrators work in ‘real’ time, creating a visual depiction of keynotes, workshops, meetings, and events on large sheets of paper attached to the wall (or in COVID times we can do this digitally too now) where everyone can see it evolve.

 We are now in the age of visual information where visual content plays a role in every aspect of life. Statistics suggest that 65% of the world’s population are visual learners, emphasising the importance of graphics and the key role it plays in engaging people. We also now know that visual information stays within the brain’s long-term memory and that written and spoken information stays within the short-term memory.

When it comes to retaining information, only 10-20% of written or spoken information is retained, whereas 90% is retained through visual information. Visual information transmits a lot faster in the brain compared to written or spoken information, in fact, 60,000x faster.

When you show off your content and create a more instinctive connection with your audience by using images, you’ll also be sure to keep them engaged and wanting more.

Our talented team a running a workshop titled “Engaging with Graphics – Introducing the Power of Visuals” at the Embrace the Challenge - Community Waikato conference.  Come along and learn tips that you can learn to enhance your work in a fun and creative way.

Kim Cable