Kumara Vine CE Update December 2021


The theme of this Kumara Vine edition is ‘Wellbeing’, and that certainly feels like the theme of the last 18 months.  We have seen our community organisations work incredibly hard to meet a growing community need.  We have seen teams change the way they work with those they support.  We have seen organisations invest in new technology, learn to use new software and navigate a digital world while bringing the passion and heart necessary to ensure people can feel their aroha through the screens.    We spend so much time considering the wellbeing of others, now is the time to consider our own wellbeing.  Those on the ground doing the mahi and those charged with leading teams, it is essential you take the time to consider what it is you need. 

 And finally, to my own team – you have all put in a significant effort over the last 12 months.  You have continued to provide an exceptional service while learning new tools and techniques to continue the mahi under various challenging circumstances.  You have absolutely earned a break.  That means unplugging from work while you are on leave.  No work emails, calls or messages.  And when you are all back in 2022, we will spend some time as a team to develop our own wellbeing plan, to make sure that regardless of what 2022 throws at us, we will have the energy and the resilience to thrive. 

Kim Cable