Kumara Vine CE Update March 2022


Women make up a significant proportion of leaders and workers in the community and social service sector and women are often the recipients of much of the work we do. This Kumara Vine edition celebrates some of the extraordinary work being done in our sector that empowers women. It shines a spotlight on the services designed by women, for women and demonstrates the diversity of the work we undertake in our sector.

You will also notice that a lot of the training we are offering this year will be over zoom or another video conference platform. This is our way to continue to provide service while navigating the uncertainty that Covid brings. We are keen for your feedback on how this works for you or if you have alternative preferences for accessing professional development.

We are in the process of determining the format and topics of the Managers Forums for the rest of 2022. We are interested in sector feedback on relevant topics for discussion and experts who could contribute to our series.

If you are a manager of a non-profit organisation and are not currently on our contact list for the Managers Forum, please contact me (holly@communitywaikato.org.nz) to be added.

We are also in the process of organising a sector conference which will take place on 28-29 September 2022. The theme is ‘Embrace the Challenge’, and we will have a range of inspirational speakers, workshops, and opportunities to participate, that will leave you feeling inspired, and armed with the tools you need to deal with a world full of uncertainty. Watch this space.

Finally, we expect 2022 will be another challenging year for our sector. We expect those challenges will be both personal and work related as we navigate higher numbers of community spread of Covid. To support the health of our team, Community Waikato are prioritising wellbeing this year. We are developing a wellbeing strategy and working with the team to ensure they have what they need to thrive.

This also means that we may engage with people differently. We will have masks, we will socially distance, and we may have a preference at times for video conference meetings and phone calls rather than face to face interactions. We are conscious that the health and safety of our team and the members of our sector is paramount to us all being able to continue to provide our services. And if you want to know more about developing a tailored wellbeing strategy for your own team, please make contact with us.


Kim Cable