Using AI tools in community (non-profit) organizations can indeed offer several benefits, but it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and challenges that come with their implementation.
Read MoreCreating a QR code is a straightforward process, and they can be used for various purposes.
Read MoreCommunity groups play a vital role in fostering connections, driving change, and supporting local initiatives. In today's digital age, integrating technology into community group operations is essential for efficiency, outreach, and overall effectiveness.
Read MoreAsset based Community Development (ABCD) is a powerful approach focused on discovering and mobilising the resources that are already present in a community.
Read MoreVoting in the New Zealand General Election starts on Monday 2 October, with election day on Saturday 14 October 2023. Community Waikato asked local candidates to give us their party perspectives on some topical issues impacting the Waikato community and social service sector.
Read MoreWhen we were thinking about a theme for this Kumara Vine, we reflected on the strengths of our very diverse community and social service sector. We have been talking a lot recently about how to make the most of the opportunities available to the sector, through leveraging our relationships, our resources and our experiences.
Read MoreThe Thames Community Centre has plenty to celebrate; they have won the most Outstanding Community Driver Education programme award at the recently held Driving Change national conference.
Read MoreNational Volunteer Week is upon us and once again all around Aotearoa New Zealand organisations will be celebrating their volunteers and volunteering.
Read MorePeople are different not only in age, gender or ethnicity. People have different needs, fears, habits, backgrounds, values, and different ways of thinking. The diversity in teams can be a huge benefit for each team member and the team’s performance.
Read MoreOver the past couple of years Community Waikato has received an increasing number of requests from community organisations seeking support and assistance to address relationship issues that have become sources of significant conflict within the organisation.
Read MoreAll around me people are talking about preparing for climate adaptation as if they are undertaking a mission strategy. Our ability to adapt is threatened by the anxiety of switching from heat to flooding in a flash, strained by systemic inaction and only incremental changes through policy and law.
Read MoreWe live in uncertain times, but there’s a graph that leaves little room for doubt. The graph of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and how it’s changed over the last million years, shows something dramatic has been going on since 1950.
Read MoreCommunity organisations are never more crucial, or more appreciated than in a disaster. In recent months many Waikato communities have faced unprecedented challenges.
Read MoreCommunity Waikato in collaboration with the Mentoring Foundation delivers a Mentoring Programme that been designed to help grow leadership in social and community sector leaders.
Read MoreI think it is fair to say that 2023 did not start the way anyone anticipated. We didn’t seem to have much of a summer, and coming back to work, our country experienced the torrential flooding in Northland/Auckland followed by the cyclone that hit much of Te-Ika-a-Maaui (the North Island).
Read MoreCommunity Networks Aotearoa is a busy little office with multiple projects on the go. Everything we do is based on issues arising in the non-profit sector, that we as a national organisation can grapple with on behalf of The Sector.
Read MoreThe Charities amendment bill has been a long time coming. The bill amends the Charities Act 2005 – a key piece of legislation for the charitable sector that will impact over 28,000 registered charities across Aotearoa.
Read MoreIf our team is thriving, members are doing well and are successful, healthy, and strong. Thriving communities begin with thriving individuals. When we grow and nurture our people, we grow and nurture our organisation and its impact, and we are better able to deliver within and for our communities.
Read MoreThe world is still in a bit of a strange place, so I thought, rather than try to dissect that, I would be a little more positive. To wrap up the year, I would like to share with you 12 highlights for Community Waikato in 2022.
Read MoreParticipatory approaches are widely recognised as a highly successful way of getting the best out of people, gaining a greater understanding of a situation, and ensuring fair, equitable and sustainable outcomes.
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