Rainbow Hub Waikato


For many women, being a part of the Rainbow community comes with challenges – there is still discrimination in general society, and within our own community we have a history of bisexual women kept from lesbian spaces, and trans women not given the same rights as cis women.  We know that intersex women, takataapui and Rainbow women of colour have also had to fight to be included.  But our world is changing, and at Rainbow Hub Waikato they welcome, advocate and advance the rights of all women.  

In the Waikato, Rainbow Hub Waikato supported 'Say My Name' - an event for trans people to be able to fill out and pay for documentation in their correct name.   Counting Ourselves research from the University of Waikato recently showed that 59% of trans people have had to use an ID that does not match their appearance - which can lead to discrimination and being denied services. Over 100 people from all parts of our Rainbow community came together to support this kaupapa and they raised over $2000 to make these changes easier, because trans women *are* women.

There are many ways women in the Rainbow community can get together and support each other - on facebook you can look for Waikato Queer Women (beyond the binary) as well as Rainbow Hub Waikato, or email info@rhw.org.nz to find out what is going on.

Kim Cable