The Waikato Women's Fund harness philanthropy for women by women


Women are a growing force in philanthropy. Research tells us that women are more likely to give, give more, and give more often. This is true at all age levels.

From November 2017, a small group of Waikato women guided by Momentum Waikato Community Foundation started meeting together to discuss setting up a women’s fund for the Waikato region. The aim was to follow the example of the Auckland Foundation Women’s Fund, created to harness the growing global opportunity of philanthropy for women by women.

This establishment group then launched the Waikato Women’s Fund - Te Ira Waahine o Waikato (WWF) on 31 July 2018 at the Meteor Theatre in Hamilton, with the support of Dellwyn Stuart, CEO of Auckland Foundation, and Gill Greer, CE of National Council of Women.

The WWF is effectively a giving circle – a collective community of donor members who singly may have limited philanthropic impact but together can achieve far greater impact. Donations become part of a named fund, the WWF, invested as part of Momentum’s endowment fund which exists in perpetuity for the benefit of future generations. The WWF grows from its investment return and by ongoing contribution from donors across our community, particularly but not exclusively from women.

“Women and girls miss out on 90% of charitable giving, yet they face some of our biggest issues and are the face of poverty in New Zealand. Few granting organisations are tracking how their funds support women and rarely do they have clear criteria for gender equality” says Rachel Afeaki-Taumoepeau, Chairperson of the Waikato Women’s Fund.

The purpose of the voluntary-led Waikato Women’s Fund, remains to help women, girls and their communities achieve their aspirations, by growing a sustainable fund, making grants, and celebrating women and girls with activities that showcase the power and beauty of women, girls and their communities.

WWF act in trust for, and are guided by, women and girls of the Waikato.

“We recognise the diversity of women and girls, and their communities” says Rachel.

The Fund exists to support projects that help and empower girls and women to reach their full potential and achieve the best outcomes.

In recent years, the needs of girls and women that have not been met for various reasons. Many individuals (regardless of gender) and organisations are increasingly supportive of initiatives that help to provide opportunities for girls and women, and WWF are interested to enlist any members or potential partners who would like to support such endeavours.

“As a giving circle we don't judge generosity and all our members get to help us decide which projects to fund and how best to make a difference” says Rachel.

Each year the WWF grants 80% of their investment return and retains the other 20% to grow the endowment fund, which continues to grow by way of donations from members and from fundraising events. The committee and membership annually decide on which organisations should receive grants.

The grant making focus for 2021 was on leadership and well-being resilience.

“In 2021, we were incredibly pleased to announce two grants of $5,000 each to The Flourish Leadership Development for Ethnic Women programme run by the Hamilton Multicultural Services Trust at the Waikato Settlement Centre, and Te Hinatore run by Anglican Action” says Rachel.

Flourish is a leadership development programme for aspiring leaders from our ethnic communities. It is a 10-month long programme that is run annually for women from both migrant and refugee background that focuses on growing the skills and confidence of women to act as positive change-makers, in their workplaces and their community. The project involves women looking to learn more and improve leadership knowledge, women who want to empower others to do better, and women who will provide support and act as mentors.

Te Hinatore (run by Anglican Action) is using the grant to fund a six-week Mana Waahine programme designed specifically for young women navigating the youth justice system or facing challenges within their lives.

“As the endowment fund grows, we will look forward to making grants to many more worthy organisations who support girls and women by providing opportunities and to achieve their aspirations” says Rachel.

Contributions of any size are welcomed. This means that while there are many donors who all give a wide range of amounts to the WWF, all are involved equally in conversations and decisions about how the WWF is distributed. Inclusivity and equity are guiding principles of the Fund.

There are many different stakeholders of the WWF, including:

  • The WWF Committee – a group of passionate and diverse women from our region who volunteer their support to the Fund knowing that they can help make a difference in the lives of many girls and women in the Waikato.

  • Fund members/donors – a diverse range of individuals who wish to support by way of donation or volunteering time and other services.

  • Grant recipients - typically community service providers who work with many communities of girls and women across the region, supporting their needs and providing opportunities.

  • Momentum Waikato – Momentum is the registered charitable entity behind the WWF. This means that Momentum manages the investment of the fund, reporting on fund returns, and administration and compliance associated with being a charity, so that the WWF committee can focus on growing the fund and making a difference through granting.

  • Fund partners/sponsors - WWF are very grateful to have some key partners who support the Fund and their key fundraising event, Waahine Toa (date for 2022 event to be confirmed).

“We would like to thank our main partner Tompkins Wake for their continued support, as well as principal sponsors Duncan & Ebbett, Hamilton Volvo and Craigs Investment Partners” says Rachel.

  • Our wider Waikato community – we all have a vested interest in helping our community to flourish.

WWF are actively looking for additional corporate partners who may wish to support the Fund by either sponsoring an event or on a year-round basis, and they would love to hear from such organisations as to how they would like to support the endeavours of girls and women in our region.

Interest can be registered with WWF Committee Member, Fiona Welch (

WWF also invite anyone to donate to the Waikato Women’s Fund and contribute to a coordinated and well-led movement for women and girls. Your donation will count, and it will matter. Every contribution to WWF work is valued. WWF celebrate reciprocity and know that women and girls give and receive throughout their lives.

The WWF wants to ensure there are no barriers to donating based on affordability or gender. Anyone who donates any monetary amount to the WWF will be a member of the WWF, whether through a one-off donation, regular instalments, or a bequest.

Share in the joy of giving, make change happen and be part of our region’s first Women’s Fund.

It is easy to donate online at any time – head to:

Kim Cable