Kumara Vine CE Update June 2022

Diversity makes us stronger and Community Waikato is committed to progressing our learning as we grow our understanding of what it is to live in a bicultural country and multicultural community.

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Kim Cable
Rainbow Hub Waikato

For many women, being a part of the Rainbow community comes with challenges. But our world is changing, and at Rainbow Hub Waikato they welcome, advocate and advance the rights of all women.

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Kim Cable

The primary objective of Shama is to be a vibrant, sustainable social service organisation that provides culturally appropriate support, advocacy, and programmes to ethnic women, their children and families, and to be a source of strength and empowerment for ethnic women of all ages.

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Kim Cable
Te Whakaruruhau Waikato Women’s Refuge

Creating positive pathways to healing, resilience and empowerment for whaanau impacted by violence is key to breaking cycles of intergenerational violence and preventing intimate partner and family violence from occurring and reoccurring at a community level.

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Kim Cable
Kumara Vine CE Update March 2022

The theme of this Kumara Vine edition is ‘Empowering Women’. Women make up a significant proportion of leaders and workers in the community and social service sector and women are often the recipients of much of the work we do. This Kumara Vine edition celebrates some of the extraordinary work being done in our sector that empowers women.

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Kim Cable
The Vaccination Conversation

How can those working in the social service sector hold conversations about the COVID-19 vaccination with clients or service users, and people they work with?

Vaccination has been identified as one of our country’s key public health tools to offer some protection in our fight against COVID-19.

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Kim Cable
Community Waikato Workshop Programme 2022

Community Waikato supports the professional development of the sector with the provision of a range of relevant subsidised workshops. The type of workshops we provide are based on requests and feedback on needs identified by people working in the sector.

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Kim Cable
Building Capacity to Cope

Right now, we must come together to get wellbeing in our lives and in our workplaces.

Wellbeing, it is not only a loaded word, but currently it’s a buzzword that is getting thrown around everywhere, but not getting the infrastructure put around it that it needs to thrive. An undeniable thread that runs through all our kōrero with people is that workplace wellness isn’t working, and our resilience is depleted more than ever before.

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Kim Cable
Kumara Vine CE Update December 2021

The theme of this Kumara Vine edition is ‘Wellbeing’, and that certainly feels like the theme of the last 18 months. We have seen our community organisations work incredibly hard to meet a growing community need. We have seen teams change the way they work with those they support.

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Kim Cable
Supporting community organisations with digital tools

The NZ Navigator Trust exists to create free or low cost, accessible, digital tools to assist community organisations in New Zealand to grow and thrive. They have gathered together their growing portfolio of online tools, all of which are designed specifically for community groups and organisations to use to enhance and support the work they do.

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Kim Cable
Digital Futures

As gateways to knowledge and culture, libraries play an important role in society, helping to build healthy communities. Today’s libraries offer books, activities, community spaces, and much more. Digital inclusion and community recovery initiatives are happening in some of the libraries around the region. Develop your computer skills through one of these digital initiatives.

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Kim Cable
Here to help u Website

During last year’s lockdown, a huge collaborative effort from several Hamilton-based community service providers, volunteers and funders means that Hamilton residents can now access social service support during COVID-19 at their fingertips thanks to a pioneering community response website ‘heretohelpu.nz‘.

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Kim Cable